When you have a claim, you’ll need to prove what you lost. Receipts are a good thing to have handy. Credit card or bank statements can help you figure out how much you spent on certain personal items. But imagine this…you had a disastrous fire and your house was badly damaged. Close your eyes right now and think of everything you have in your kitchen, your bedroom, your storage closet or your garage. Did you remember everything?
Typically, our clients who have had a small burglary up to a total fire loss have difficulty remembering the details of their personal items and home equipment.
The answer…video, video, video. The best way to document your home is to get out the video camera, walk from room to room and narrate all the details. Mention brands, sizes, prices. Open cupboards, closets, pantries. Video tape the interior floor to ceiling and then go outside for your exterior detail, yard, garden, etc.
Lastly, take this video and give a copy to your friend, neighbor, family member or just somewhere other than your house for safekeeping. Hopefully, you won’t have a claim to deal with but if you do, a video recording is a life saver.